Friday, February 22, 2008

Brush busted

Unfortunately I haven't been able to paint much in the couple few days, because my only good brush is... not so good anymore. I'll have to buy a new brush before I can continue painting, so maybe next week if I have the time.

I managed to paint Stalkers base and I started to paint the bones, but it's quite impossible to paint that accuretly with the brush. I could paint Leiathan's and Coven's bases in the mean time though.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Deathrippers ready

Yay! I finished the second Deathripper and next in line is Stalker.

Deathrippers front

Saturday, February 16, 2008

First Deathripper ready

I painted the edge of the base black and it looks a bit more finished now, though the base is still a little plain. I'll just let it be and see how the other models with big rocks on their base turn out.

Deathripper front

Deathripper almost ready

I lightened the blue a bit and I think it's a bit better now. I still have to do something with the base...

Deathripper WIP side

Deathripper WIP back

Quick update

I got all models basecoated and I started to paint the first Deathripper. I'm pretty happy with it so far, the blue is a bit darker than I expected and the base is not quite ready yet, but I'll sort that out later, because now I need sleep .

Deathripper WIP

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cryx Battlegroup


For a while now I've been thinking about starting a Cryx army. So before christmas a friend of mine placed an order (from Chaosorc) and after a lot of hassle and grief the package arrived this month. Anyway... I have a winter brake next week and some time to get things started.

On to business.

I didn't want to take the easy route and start with the battlegroup, so I came up with this replacement list:

The Witch Coven of Garlghast: 85 Pts

Deathripper: 38 Pts

Deathripper: 38 Pts

Stalker: 64 Pts

Leviathan: 125 Pts

Total: 350 Pts

I don't know when I'm going to get a chance to play and test how this list works, but in the mean time I hope I get them all painted.

This week I managed to get all models assembled and based. I was hoping that I could basecoat them today, but there is no chance I can spray outside with this weather. With a bit of luck the wind has calmed tomorrow and I get them coated.

And here is a pic of them so far:

Cryx 350 based